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Cluj Christmas Market

In the heart of Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, nestled amidst the cobblestone streets and snow-dusted rooftops, stood the city’s bustling Christmas market. Twinkling lights adorned the stalls, casting a warm glow on the festive atmosphere. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of roasted chestnuts, mulled wine, and a sweet, irresistible scent that drew the attention of a young Transylvanian girl named Alina

Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019
Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019

Alina, with her bright eyes and a curiosity as wide as the Transylvanian sky, was captivated by the sights and sounds of the market. She wandered from stall to stall, her senses overwhelmed by the vibrant colors and enticing aromas. As she approached a stall with a towering spiral of dough, its surface glistening with a golden coat of caramelized sugar, Alina’s heart skipped a beat. This was no ordinary pastry; it was a Kürtöskalács, a Transylvanian delicacy that promised a taste of tradition and a feast for the senses.

Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019
Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019

The stall owner, a jovial man with a twinkle in his eye, greeted Alina with a warm smile. He explained that Kürtöskalács was a centuries-old pastry, a symbol of Transylvanian hospitality and a treat that had been enjoyed by generations. Alina’s eyes widened as she listened to the tales of the Kürtöskalács, her imagination transported back in time to a world of warm hearths, crackling fires, and the comforting aroma of cinnamon.

Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019
Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Alina asked for a Kürtöskalács. The stall owner carefully removed the pastry from the spit, its surface still warm and inviting. He handed it to Alina, who took a deep breath and took a bite. The moment the sweet, caramelized sugar melted on her tongue, Alina’s taste buds exploded with joy. The pastry was warm, fluffy, and bursting with flavor. The cinnamon and sugar danced on her palate, creating a symphony of taste that was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019
Kürtöskalács at the Cluj Christmas market 2019

Alina savored every bite, her eyes sparkling with delight. She had discovered a new favorite treat, a taste of Transylvania that would forever be etched in her memory. As she thanked the stall owner and continued exploring the Christmas market, Alina carried with her the warmth of the Kürtöskalács, a reminder of the magic that unfolded in the heart of Cluj-Napoca during the festive season.

pattern language

Let's agree to define productivity in terms of throughput. We can debate the meaning of productivity in terms of additional measurements of the business value of delivered work, but as Eliyahu Goldratt pointed out in his critique of the Balanced Scorecard, there is a virtue in simplicity. Throughput doesn’t answer all our questions about business value, but it is a sufficient metric for the context of evaluating the relationship of practices with productivity.